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The Baja Peninsula
The Baja Peninsula is located on the western coast of Mexico on the continent of North America. It looks like a splinter of land from the mainland of Mexico, starting at the U.S. border of California and Arizona and running south for about 800 miles. The peninsula separates the Pacific Ocean on the west from the Sea of Cortez (often called The Gulf of California) on the east. At points, the peninsula is 140 miles wide and at others, it’s no more than 28 miles wide. There are over 100 islands dotting the peninsula and over 2500 miles of coast line! The deep, cold waters of the Pacific provide a rich ecosystem that supports a huge variety or marine mammals and sea life. Scientists sometimes call this area the “Aquarium of the World” for the rich variety of animals and fish that live here.
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United States, Mexico North Pacific, South Pacific
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July 2024
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