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News Headlines |
Feb 11, 2025 |
The road to Mount Marathon
Starting out over 100 years ago, the Mouth Marathon Race became an official organized event that challenged racers to climb a mile and a half up the mountain to get to the 3,022 foot summit and then get back down as fast as possib
The Northern Light
Skydiver recounts midair collision and hard landing in Pasco
A skydiver. who last week was knocked unconscious five seconds after leaping out of an airplane over Zephyrhills and landing hard four miles from the drop zone, said he is hopeful for a full recovery and looking forward to partici
TBO News Breaking
Bike track taking shape in forest
The potential of the forest around the Oamaru reservoir has been realized by Mountain Biking North Otago. Construction of a new 4km mountain bike trail in the forest between Ardgowan and Reservoir Rds began last week.
The pro
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