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News Headlines
Ant Evolves Flashy Way to Beat Desert Heat
A desert ant survives temperatures that can kill other insects and animals with a unique system that is effective, and chic. Discovery News - Top Stories
Bats Hear Just Fine, Despite Noisy Lives
Prolonged exposure to intense sound levels doesn't harm their hearing, a new study finds. Discovery News - Top Stories
New species of frog found in the Peruvian Andes
Researchers describe a new species, "Psychrophrynella chirihampatu," from the Peruvian Andes, in a new article. Like other recently described species in the genus, this new Psychrophrynella inhabits high-elevation forests in the t ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
An ancient killer: Ancestral malarial organisms traced to age of dinosaurs
A new analysis of the prehistoric origin of malaria suggests that it evolved in insects at least 100 million years ago, and the first vertebrate hosts of this disease were probably reptiles, which at that time would have included ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
First 3D Atlas of Extinct Dodo Created
A full description has been made of the skeletal anatomy of a bird synonymous with the word extinction. Discovery News - Top Stories
Giant Siberian unicorn may have existed at the same time as humans, fossil find hints
Our ancestors could have come face to face with the mammoth-sized rhino in Kazakhstan. All MNN Content
Life requires minimum of 473 genes to be sustainable say scientists in ground breaking discovery
Scientists have achieved their ultimate objective - to create a minimal cell containing only the genes necessary to sustain life in its simplest form mirror.co.uk - Home - News
Migratory birds disperse seeds long distances
Some species of plants are capable of colonizing new habitats thanks to birds that transport their seeds in their plumage or digestive tract. Until recently it was known that birds could do this over short distances, but a new stu ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Eastern Monarch butterflies at risk of extinction unless numbers increase
Long-term declines in the overwintering Eastern population of North American monarch butterflies are significantly increasing their likelihood of becoming extinct over the next two decades, according to new research. ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
People With Most Diverse Ancient Human DNA Found
The worldliest people on the planet could be Melanesians, according to new genetic research. Discovery News - Top Stories
Surface-going cave crickets actually more isolated than cave-dwelling cousins
Although other studies on cave-dwelling creatures have found that animals that spend all of their lives in the dark of caves are more likely to be genetically isolated, a recent study on two groups of crickets found the opposite. ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
New Butterfly Discovered in Alaska for First Time in 28 Years
The Tanana Arctic may also be the state's only endemic butterfly. National Geographic News
Fossil reptile discovery extraordinary
A newly discovered 250-million-year-old fossil reptile from Brazil gives an insight into life just before the dinosaurs appeared. BBC News | World | UK Edition
Wild Atlantic salmon are spawning in Connecticut River for the first time in 200 years
After two centuries away, and decades of work by a seemingly unsuccessful restoration program, wild salmon may finally be reclaiming their lost habitat. All MNN Content
Birds use language like humans, joining calls together to form sentences
Birds form complex sentences by joining calls together to create new meanings, scientists have found Latest news, breaking news, cu
These Tiny Saber-Toothed Terrors Are Among the World's Oldest Ants
Analysis of insects entombed in amber shows that the "hell ants" were among the first to diverge from the original ant-wasp ancestor Science & Nature | Smithsonian
On World Wildlife Day, lets get serious about ending corruption
Paula Kahumbu:in the war against wildlife crime are in danger of floundering in a mire of corruption

On the eve of World Wildlife Day on March 3rd 2016, Kenyans can look back proudly at how much has been achieved in the Environment news, comment and

Two caves containing endangered bats discovered in Canada
The find is key to figuring out what habitat must be protected to help keep these important and vulnerable mammals safe. All MNN Content
Urban white-crowned sparrows have dialects for different neighborhoods
San Francisco's sparrows have to compete with urban noise, and a result is distinct songs that vary with different locations in the city. All MNN Content
Monarch butterfly migration to Mexico jumps after years of decline

The insects covered over three and a half times more wintering grounds than last season, as diminishing milkweed and illegal logging has disrupted movement

Monarch butterflies have made a big comeback in their winteri Environment news, comment and

Magnetoreception molecule found in the eyes of dogs, primates
The magnetic sense in migratory birds has been studied in considerable detail: unlike a boy scout's compass, which shows the compass direction, a bird's compass recognizes the inclination of the magnetic field lines relative to Ea ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Mirror mirror: Snail shells offer clue in unravelling common origins of body asymmetry
A gene in snails that determines whether their shells twist clockwise or anti-clockwise has been discovered by a team of international researchers. It could offer clues to how the same gene affects body asymmetry in other animals ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Beaten-Up Dinosaur Lived Through Intense Pain
A large, meat-eating dinosaur endured severe pain for months and possibly years after a violent encounter. Discovery News - Top Stories
Mystery Ocean Hum May be Migration Signal, or Fish Farting
Communities of deep-sea marine life cause a low-frequency humming in the ocean, as the creatures swim to and from the surface to feed. Discovery News - Top Stories
What was Earth's first animal? New study finally offers an answer
The first animal to evolve on Earth was probably a sponge that existed around 640 million years ago. All MNN Content
Snake island: Massachusetts to establish colony of venomous rattlesnakes
The plan is to save a species thats been wiped out in the state – but some residents fear the snakes, which are capable of swimming, will escape the island

A colony of venomous rattlesnakes is to be established on an Environment news, comment and

The ugliest fossil reptiles who roamed China
Long before the dinosaurs, hefty herbivores called pareiasaurs ruled Earth. Now, for the first time, a detailed investigation of all Chinese specimens of these creatures -- often described as the 'ugliest fossil reptiles' -- has b ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Bones found at prison may belong to real-life Tess of the D'Urbervilles
Archaeologists discovery could be remains of Martha Brown, whose public hanging was watched by Thomas Hardy. Archaeologists may have unearthed the remains of a woman whose execution had a lasting impact on the writer Latest news and comment from B
New plant species discovered on Yakushima
A new species of plant has been discovered on the subtropical Japanese island of Yakushima (located off the southern coast of Kyushu in Kagoshima prefecture) and named it Sciaphila yakushimensis. ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
500 million-year-old fossils show how extinct organisms attacked their prey
Most fossils preserve the physical remains of organisms and their structure; however, geologists and paleobiologists recently found fossils that show the behaviors of predators preserved as traces in ancient sediments. Thus, fossi ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Neanderthal-Human Sex Happened Earlier
A Neanderthal woman from Siberia with human DNA may suggest we should no longer consider Neanderthals separate from the human race. Discovery News - Top Stories
Antarctic Fungus Survives in Mars-like Conditions
After living for 18 months in a Mars-like environment outside the International Space Station, some Antarctic fungi were still living and dividing when examined by researchers back on Earth. Discovery News - Top Stories
Hunters Become Conservationists in the Fight to Protect the Snow Leopard
A pioneering program recruits locals as rangers in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan, where the elusive cat is battling for survival Science & Nature | Smithsonian
Could new treatment wipe out cancer?
90 percent of terminally ill cancer patients went into remission after treatment. All MNN Content
Meet the smallest bird species in the world
The bee hummingbird is so named because it is literally about the size of a bumblebee. All MNN Content
Fossils Shed New Light on Human and Gorilla Split
The finding could help resolve a controversy over the continent where the ape and human lineages first evolved, according to researchers Scientific American
Why do ladybugs gather in massive swarms?
These brightly colored beetles come together in huge groups for the winter, but it's not just to cuddle. All MNN Content
Hundreds of manatees congregate in Florida refuge to escape chilly seas
  • Three Sisters Springs closed to swimmers and kayakers
  • 400 of the marine mammals leave Gulf of Mexico to gather in river system

A popular Florida wildlife refuge has been closed to swimmers, thanks to an Environment news, comment and

5 venomous animals that could save your life
These dangerous critters could hold cancer-curing secrets. All MNN Content
Rare bumble bee may be making a comeback in Pacific northwest
Bombus occidentalis used to be the most common bumble bee species in the Pacific Northwest, but in the mid 1990s it became one of the rarest. Now, according to a new article it may be making a comeback. ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Do bigger brains make smarter carnivores?
A bat-eared fox tries to open a puzzle box during an experiment to test intelligence.

Why do dolphins evolve large brains relative to the size of their bodies, while blue whales and hippos have brains that are relatively small?< NSF News

'Monster' spider named Cryptomaster Behemoth discovered in US forest
Be afraid, be very afraid. You probably wouldn't want to encounter a terrifying spider named the Cryptomaster Behemoth in a dark and lonely forest Latest news, breaking news, cu
Welcome to the world: New chameleon emerges from wilds of Tanzania
Scientists have discovered a new species of chameleon in Tanzania. ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
An ancestor of the rabbit connects Europe and Asia
The species Amphilagus tomidai was recently discovered - an ancestor of the rabbit which lived in present-day Siberia during the Miocene, about 14 million years ago. The discovery of this mammal, belonging to a family which was th ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Giant whales have unique nerves like a bungee cords, researchers say
Rorqual whales have a unique nerve structure in their mouths and tongues that can double in length and recoil like a bungee cord, University of British Columbia, or UBC, researchers said in an article published in Current Biology.
Walking improves health outcomes for prostate cancer survivors
Those who best prostate cancer don't come out of the battle unscathed. As is the case for most cancers, the treatment for prostate cancer can be taxing on a patient's health. But according to new research, something as simple as
New Study:Tasmanian Swift Parrot is on Brink of Extinction
The swift parrot is the only recognized species of the genus Lathamus. It is a slim, medium-sized parrot about 25 cm long. It weighs about 65 g and has a wingspan of between 32 and 36 cm. It is bright green with red around the
Ability to consume alcohol may have shaped primate evolution
Craving a stiff drink after the holiday weekend? Your desire to consume alcohol, as well as your body’s ability to break down the ethanol that makes you tipsy, dates back about 10 million years, researchers have discovered. The
Primitive form of navigation found in fruit bats
Old World fruit bats can’t use sound to navigate, an ability known as echolocation that’s found in all other bats. At least that’s what scientists thought. But a new study reveals that these bats can indeed echolocate; inste
Richard III was blue-eyed, blond, but should he have been king?
New DNA tests reveal Britain's long-lost King Richard III was blue-eyed and likely blond-haired, but they also raise intriguing questions over whether he -- and other monarchs before and since -- should have been on the throne at
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