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Mar 28, 2025 |
Dutch Polar Explorers Likely Drown in Arctic
Two Dutch explorers studying melting Arctic sea ice have apparently drowned after falling through thin ice, police said Monday. Marc Cornelissen and Philip de Roo were last seen on April 6 heading north on skis from Resolute — C
Antarctic ice shelves rapidly thinning
A new study led by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the Univ. of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) researchers has revealed that the thickness of Antarctica’s floating ice shelves has recently decreased by as much as 18
Should tourists be banned from Antarctica?
This season around 37,000 tourists are expected to visit Antarctica - home to about 20 million pairs of breeding penguins. But is it ethically acceptable to go on holiday to such a pristine environment?
Enfolded in two glacial
Antarctic Ice Loss Tripled in the Last 10 Years
The melt rate of glaciers in the fastest-melting part of Antarctica has tripled over the past decade, researchers said Tuesday in an analysis of the past 21 years.
Glaciers in the Amundsen Sea in West Antarctica are losing ice
Antarctic ice thicker than previously thought
Groundbreaking 3D mapping of previously inaccessible areas of the Antarctic has found that the sea ice fringing the vast continent is thicker than previous thought. Two expeditions to Antarctica by scientists from the UK, USA and
Training for the North Pole
It's not glamorous being an explorer, says Eric Larsen. After all, he says: I'm not jumping off cliffs or anything. But perusing Larsen's expedition photos — from snow biking in Antarctica to skiing to the North Pole, during his
Denver Post: News: Top News
Revised Antarctic Sanctuary
Australia said Monday it was hopeful of winning support for its plan to create a vast marine reserve off Antarctica, after revising the proposal to make it smaller.
Australia, France and the European Union first put forward a b
Global Warming Could Cause More Cold Snaps
Remember that sudden, extreme plunge in temperatures throughout much of the United States in January 2014, which led to life-threatening wind chills that forced schools to close in the Midwest? Many were mystified to hear that it
Rock-Eating Microbes Found in Buried Antarctic Lake
A large and diverse family of hearty rock-eating bacteria and other microorganisms live in a freshwater lake buried a half-mile beneath Antarctic ice, new research confirms.
The finding not only adds another extreme environment
Norway's sneaky seismic attack on the Arctic
The Esperanza has been in the Arctic near Svalbard, for a few weeks now and we recently became aware of something urgent and disturbing. A seismic company called Dolphin Geophysical, commissioned by the Norwegian Petroleum Directo
Far-Away Earthquake Caused 'Icequake' in Antarctica
In February 2010, a massive 8.8 earthquake struck off the coast of central Chile. Even though it occurred nearly 22 miles beneath the surface, it was still powerful enough to cause the deaths of 300 people and severely damage buil
Brace yourself for another polar vortex — in September
It’s already August, which means fall is around the corner – and another winter no longer seems that far away. Forecasters are out with some predictions about the weather we can expect in the coming months:
A polar vortex
Swimming, climbing robots explore the hostile Arctic
A TIRELESS scientific expedition is currently encamped across a huge stretch of Arctic pack ice. The daytime temperature is just above freezing. Regardless, the team sends data day and night to a string of labs around the world.
SCUBA News...
Lead pollution beat explorers to South Pole, persists today
Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first man to reach the South Pole in December 1911. More than 100 years later, an international team of scientists has proven that air pollution from industrial activities arrived to th
ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Has the expansion of Antarctic sea ice accelerated?
Despite global warming, the fringe of sea ice around Antarctica is expanding slightly, in contrast to the marked decline of sea ice in the Arctic. Scientists have blamed this curious fact on various forces, from shifting winds to
East Antarctica More at Risk than Thought to Long-term Thaw
OSLO (Reuters) - Part of East Antarctica is more vulnerable than expected to a thaw that could trigger an unstoppable slide of ice into the ocean and raise world sea levels for thousands of years, a study showed on Sunday.
Scientific American
New Penguin Flu Found in Antarctica
new version of bird flu unlike any other seen on Earth has been discovered in Antarctica, researchers announced today (May 6).
Discovery News - Top Stories
NASA-USGS Landsat 8 Satellite Pinpoints Coldest Spots on Earth
What is the coldest place on Earth? It is a high ridge in Antarctica on the East Antarctic Plateau where temperatures in several hollows can dip below minus 133.6 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 92 degrees Celsius) on a clear winter nig
NASA Breaking News
Life on board an Antarctic research vessel
Guardian science correspondent Alok Jha and documentary filmmaker Laurence Topham familiarise themselves with the ship that will be their home in the coming weeks on the Australasian Antarctic Expedition
Environment news, comment and
Arctic mission to protect Russian wildlife
Russia is planning huge oil and gas developments in the Arctic Ocean off its northern coast - drilling that could threaten pristine wildlife habitats.
Large-scale production could begin in the next two decades, if the price of
BBC News | World | UK Edition
Arctic Ocean Losing Sea Ice At An Alarming Rate: NASA
Although the ice cover at the North Pole has rebounded from last year’s record-breaking low with this year’s summer low also not likely to break any new record, NASA said sea ice in the Arctic still continues to retreat and me
North Pole Not Flooded -- But Lots of Melting in the Arctic
Santa's workshop at the North Pole is not under water, despite recent reports. A dramatic image captured by a University of Washington monitoring buoy reportedly shows a lake at the North Pole. But Santa doesn't yet need to buy a
ScienceDaily: Latest Science N
Zoo Polar Bear Sports High-Tech Neckwear for Conservation
PORTLAND, Ore. — Tasul, an Oregon Zoo polar bear, recently landed her first white-collar job: research assistant for the U.S. Geological Survey. Her assignment: wearing a high-tech collar to help solve a climate change mystery.
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