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High Atlas Kayaking
Inez Wall's Final Sail
Alps Earth Formation
Chasing Rivers, Part I The Colorado
Extreme Delray "The Delray Wreck"
Hurricane Bonnie: 1998
http://www.hurricanetrack.com By 1998, I had decided to get out in the fie...
A Tale of Two Rovers
The Mars Exploration Rovers "Spirit" and "Opportunity" were sent to Mars fo...
Expeditions to the Edge
This is a segment from "Expeditions to the Edge" on National Geographic Cha...
Baffin Island ski expedition
First Italian ski expedition in 2005 to the area of Sam Ford Fjord. Two par...
Reinhold Messner about the dangers of the Hidden Peak
Reinhold Messner receives a fairly unusual massage and talks about the dang...
First spanish speleological expedition to Iran
First spanish speleological expedition to Iran. Espeleoclub Karst y G.E.A.G...
'The Fire Coral' Pt. 1
Minor Childers of Dot Eco LLC
A Tour of Cathedral Heights, Scripps Canyon
Ocean Images Underwater Housing
How Ordnance Survey makes maps
Ordnance Survey's team of 300 highly trained surveyors are located across G...
Biosphere Expeditions: Arabian leopard conservation, Oman
Movie of Arabian leopard caught in a camera trap, Oman. Biosphere Expeditio...
British Antarctic Survey Halley Research Station
Aerial view of Halley Research Station on the Brunt Ice Shelf
The Fossils of Inner Space Caverns, Texas
Ernest Lundelius, Professor Emeritus in Vertebrate Paleontology at the Univ...
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Expeditions are on-line from planning stages through completion with abstracts, updates from the field, video and audio, and articles by team members. These projects range from archaeological digs to oceanography, from cave exploration and mountaineering to ocean sailing and polar research.They are serious, goal-oriented projects organized by scientists and adventurers who are all meeting new challenges and making new discoveries.
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