Featured videos
A Training Mission from Singapore to Indonesia
Arctic Iceland Expedition
Salt in the Soil
How the Earth is Made Tsunami
SS Federal - First Dive (115m)
Sailing and Surfing Around the World - More Hands On Deck
Peter van Kets "Race to the South Pole" Promo
Titan Saturn System Mission
A proposed mission to Titan would use a balloon, a lander and an orbiter to...
The Lost Tribe of Palau [1/5]
This National Geographc documentary follows a an expedition to Palau, a rem...
IODP Expedition 320 -- Micropaleontology
Experience the micropaleontology lab aboard RV JOIDES Resolution. Listen i...
Plate Tectonics - Lesson 4 - Part 2 of 8
Planet of Man Series -- Jigsaw Fit (30minutes) Host; Tuzo Wilson Plate T...
Ice cave exploration in Antarctica
Three friends explore an ice cave at the King George Island, South Shetland...
South Pole - Balloon,Katie, Victoria- part 2 of 2MPEG-4 800K
South Pole - Balloon,Katie, Victoria- part 2 of 2MPEG-4 800Kbps Streaming.m...
'Man O War'
Colin Haley in Chamonix
First Descent of the Big River
First Descent of the Big River Kaharangi National Park, New Zealand
Wireless Technology for Field Research
Join Frank Vernon as he discusses ROADNet, a new project that allows a wide...
Special Report - Scientists and Researchers From Hong Kong And Turkey Claim To Have Found Remnants Of Noah's Ark
A team of scientists and researchers from Hong Kong and Turkey claimed to h...
Most Extreme Weather on Earth
The Mount Washington observatory in (the northeastern U.S. state of) New Ha...
Expedition Quest Mobile App
Our Mobile App enables EQ members to search for other local members by combining the ExpeSearch Index System with GPS geo-location. Want to meet or get advice from someone who has climbed, or is hoping to climb Kilimanjaro? Want to organize a local group of kayakers with Class 3 experience to go down the Snake River? Perform a search within a 20 mile radius, check out their qualifications and experiences and send them a message. Get together, share a cup of coffee or a couple of beers and make it happen.
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