Featured videos
2x2 Fatbike Success
Our Incredible Ocean: Now Is the Time to Protect It
S/S Uller - Norway 2011
The World's Toughest Rowing Race sets off from La Gomera to Barbados: The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge
High Atlas Kayaking (Kayak Session Short Film of the Year Awards 2013 Entry# 5)
The Geography of Youth- Part II
Unstoppable Solar Cycles
This video sets aside doomsday alarmism and political axe-grinding to look ...
This Week @ NASA 02-17-09
SHUTTLE UPDATE KSC Technicians at the Kennedy Space Center continue pre-l...
Finding Fossils
Paleontologist Mark Goodwin from UC Berkley discusses prospecting for fossi...
Volvo Ocean 60's JC
Inside the 1996 Everest Disaster - Ken Kamler
Watch full video at: http://fora.tv/2008/12/12/Dr_Ken_Kamler_Remembers_1996...
3D Dark Matter Map based on COSMOS data.
This is the first time astronomers have created a three—dimensional ...
Galapagos Hawk Field Research
Field biologist Dave (Gio) Giordano takes you through the steps of catching...
Dachstein Balloon Flight
Film of a world-record attempt at the highest altitude launch of hot air ba...
'Cleaner' Pt. 3
Paul Dayton renowned oceanographer on Dot Eco Part 2
Mazamas and PSU fund survey of Cascade glaciers
The Mazamas (in conjunction with Portland State University) is funding flig...
GVI - Global Vision International : Volunteer Abroad in Ecuador
http://www.gviusa.com http://www.gvi.co.uk Wildlife Conservation expedition...
Expedition Quest Mobile App
Our Mobile App enables EQ members to search for other local members by combining the ExpeSearch Index System with GPS geo-location. Want to meet or get advice from someone who has climbed, or is hoping to climb Kilimanjaro? Want to organize a local group of kayakers with Class 3 experience to go down the Snake River? Perform a search within a 20 mile radius, check out their qualifications and experiences and send them a message. Get together, share a cup of coffee or a couple of beers and make it happen.
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