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Digging into Dinosaurs
Skip Novak’s Pelagic Australis on “Sailing to Climb” expedition Antarctica
How the Earth was Made: Sahara
G.O. Get Outside - Caving
Cahokia: Native American City of Mystery
The Scott Expedition - The Last Flight
World Record Atlantic Challenge - Children's Hospice Southwest
Evening Airtime (Entry# 1 Short Film of the Year Awards 2014)
Unstoppable Solar Cycles
This video sets aside doomsday alarmism and political axe-grinding to look ...
Diving in the Red Sea - Seacology's November 2008 Expedition
Participants of Seacology's cruise in the Red Sea, aboard the Royal Evoluti...
Kepler - A Search for Habitable Planets
"Kepler is a critical component in NASA's broader efforts to ultimately fin...
Mike McDowell: We found some life at the North Pole.
Mike McDowell, who took part in the recent expedition to the North Pole and...
Galapagos: First Ever Sighting of the Masturus
The Lindblad Expeditions team abord the National Geographic Polaris discove...
Tevnia, EPR
Clusters of Tevnia jerichonana. Hydrothermal vents at East Pacific Rise (EP...
Reinhold Messner about the dangers of the Hidden Peak
Reinhold Messner receives a fairly unusual massage and talks about the dang...
Sir Francis Chichester Knighthood (extended)
The knighthood of Sir Francis Chichester, extended version
Minor Childers of Dot Eco LLC
Antarctic Explorer Phil Avery meets TeachingExpertise.com
Geography teacher Phil Avery is Teaching Expertise.com's Antarctic explorer...
Flight to MONT BLANC Part 2
This is the record of the long out and return flight from St-Auban - MONT B...
Expedition Quest Mobile App
Our Mobile App enables EQ members to search for other local members by combining the ExpeSearch Index System with GPS geo-location. Want to meet or get advice from someone who has climbed, or is hoping to climb Kilimanjaro? Want to organize a local group of kayakers with Class 3 experience to go down the Snake River? Perform a search within a 20 mile radius, check out their qualifications and experiences and send them a message. Get together, share a cup of coffee or a couple of beers and make it happen.
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