Expedition Directory -
Biology |
expedition 38 | Expedition 38 includes a variety of research, ranging from protein crystal growth studies and biological studies of plant seedling growth to technology demonstrations that will improve understanding o... |
| Duration : Oct 2013 - Apr 2014 |
soil ecology in antarctic dry valleys | It\'s hard to imagine that anything could live in the cold, dry soils of Antarctica. Early investigations of the soil bacterial communities of the McMurdo Dry Valley found only a handful of bacteria, ... |
| Duration : Nov 2013 - Dec 2013 |
ecosystem study of the chukchi shoal | The northern Chukchi Shelf receives large inputs of organic matter from the highly productive shelf regions of the North Pacific and from local sources of primary production, including algae in the ic... |
| Duration : Aug 2012 - Aug 2012 |
| Duration : Feb 2012 - Mar 2012 |
microorganisms in antarctic glacier ice | Are microorganisms metabolically active in glacier ice? To address this exciting question, the research team will travel to the McMurdo Dry Valleys-one of the harshest environments on Earth-to study t... |
| Duration : Oct 2000 - Dec 2000 |
arctic ground squirrel studies 2014 | In the Arctic, bright summers and dark winters are a fact of life and can lead humans to rely on clocks and routines to tell them when to eat or sleep, but how do animals function under these conditio... |
| Duration : Not Available |
microbialites in lake joyce antarctica | The oldest fossil life on Earth consists of stromatolites, which are the remains of complicated communities of bacteria captured in rock. On modern Earth, similar communities still grow in places that... |
| Duration : Not Available |
microbial changes in arctic freshwater | Microbial diversity has recently been found to show a pattern of organization at various scales. The research team attempts to answer three basic questions about microbial diversity and dispersal, foc... |
| Duration : Jun 2016 - Jul 2016 |
arctic sunlight and microbial interactions 2014 | Tremendous stores of organic carbon frozen in permafrost soils have the potential to greatly increase the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. Permafrost soils may thaw sporadically and melting ground ... |
| Duration : Not Available |