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Big-Nosed Dino Might Have Attracted Mates With Shnoz
24th September, 2014
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A new dinosaur with a huge nose has been unearthed in Utah and now the question is: what did it do with its enormous shnoz?

The dinosaur, Rhinorex condrupus aka “King Nose,” could have used its namesake body part for a variety of functions, according to Terry Gates, who co-discovered the dino with colleague Rodney Sheetz.

“The purpose of such a big nose is still a mystery,” Gates, a joint postdoctoral researcher with NC State and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, said in a press release. “If this dinosaur is anything like its relatives then it likely did not have a super sense of smell; but maybe the nose was used as a means of attracting mates, recognizing members of its species, or even as a large attachment for a plant-smashing beak.”

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