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New Answer for Why Hadrosaurs Showed So Much Skin
11th September, 2014
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Some days, it must not have been easy to be a hadrosaur. You're a dinosaur, sure, but it's hard to feel like a badass when your head resembles a duck. On the plus side, these herbivores outlasted more fashionable dinos such as the T-Rex in one respect: They had longer-lasting skin.

Indeed a preponderance of dinosaur skin samples (not actual skin, of course, but fossilized impressions) belong to hadrosaurs. Matt Davis, a fifth-year graduate student in paleontology at Yale University, has suggested a new reason why that might be the case. He proposes in a paper that hadrosaur skin endured because it must have been tougher texturally -- built to last long enough to write itself into the fossil record.

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