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Hunt for sunken warship bearing £150m
13th August, 2013
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LOCATING a sunken warship said to contain more than £150million worth of silver ingots would be enough to make most people feel emotional.

But for marine archaeologist Neil Cunningham Dobson, his feelings had remarkably little to do with the prospect of salvaging the riches aboard the SS Gairsoppa.

Instead, he was thinking of his father, who served as a radio officer with the same shipping company as the Gairsoppa during World War II.

Norman Walker Dobson survived the war but rarely spoke about his experiences and for Neil, 57, from St Andrews, it was a chance to look back on his dad’s life.

He said: “With the Gairsoppa, I had a personal interest in that my late father was a radio officer in World War II for Marconi and he served with the British-India Steam Navigation Company on ships similar to the Gairsoppa.

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